Code of Conduct for Library Users

Queen's University Library (QUL) welcomes users and strives to provide a favourable and inclusive environment for all library users to engage in research, learning, and intellectual exploration. To ensure the well-being of everyone and maintain a positive atmosphere, we have established the following Code of Conduct:  


Students studying the the library

Using your Library

When you enter the library doors, virtual or physical, please ensure your actions are in keeping with the standards outlined in all library and university policies, including:  

  • Queen's University Code of Conduct 
  • Queen’s University Information Security Policy Framework 
  • Copyright Guidelines for Students and Users of the Library 
  • Building safety regulations and practices.  

So that everyone can get the most out of all that the library has to offer, we ask that you please abide by all library and university-wide polices and practice the following conduct.   

Consider Others 

  • Please treat every individual in the library with courtesy, consideration, and respect. 
  • Be mindful of others studying nearby, please silence devices and maintain an appropriate noise level including in our collaborative spaces. Follow any posted guidelines for dedicated quiet areas. 
  • Follow the library's policies regarding the consumption of food and beverages. 
  • Do not leave personal belongings unattended and keep valuable items with you at all times. 
  • Avoid strong scents (i.e., perfumes, colognes, etc.) as they can negatively impact others.  
  • Your guide and/or service animals are welcome in the library. Additional information on service/guide animals on campus can be found in the Queen's University Service Animals on Campus Policy. 

Prohibited Activities

  • Engaging in activities that are illegal, disruptive, or prohibited by library and university-wide policies.
  • Smoking and vaping
  • Soliciting  
  • Abuse of any kind towards others  
  • Intoxication or using intoxicating substances  
  • Carrying or using a weapon  
  • Damaging or stealing library, university, or others’ property  
  • Sleeping  


  • Fines and charges are imposed for the replacement of lost or damaged library materials.  
  • Library users are barred from borrowing library materials when they have substantial fines or charges outstanding.  
  • Students cannot graduate or obtain transcripts if they have outstanding library fines or charges.
  • At the discretion of library staff, library users may be asked to leave library facilities if their behaviour is incompatible with library or university policies.  
  • At the discretion of the library or university administration, library users may be banned from library facilities for non-compliance with policies and established conditions of use of library materials, facilities, and equipment.  

Thank you for familiarizing yourself with and observing the Code of Conduct for Library Users to create a welcoming and safe library that we can all enjoy.  

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